wb-skinner on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/wb-skinner/art/Under-Big-Summer-Sky-90629914wb-skinner

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wb-skinner's avatar

Under Big Summer Sky



It's pretty hard to resist a decent lone-tree shot when the light and elements line themselves up for you.

This one was a ' pile on the brakes ' event as I was driving through the countryside a few days ago ;)

I originally lined up to have the road stretch vertically through the photograph ... but then realized that placing the tree in the swirl of the cloud made for a nicer composition.


HDRi from a single RAW image.

If you'd like, please have a gander at my mini-gallery devoted to Country Life

thank you, my friends, for your interest and support!

Image size
502x673px 527.62 KB
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TheGroovyFeline's avatar

wonderful photograph!!