Natural Lighting 2wb-skinner on DeviantArt

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Natural Lighting 2



For a year, since my submission of Natural Lighting 1, I've been toting a light bulb around in my backpack in hopes of a good opportunity for a follow-up shot.. I've taken several.. mostly at sunrise (my favorite time of day), but until now was not happy with any.

I've made up my mind to always carry this bulb as the WB Skinner trademark.. and a symbol of my quest for new photographic inspiration.

While I don't lay claim to the original idea.. I'm fairly certain not many have pursued it to the lengths I have! :D

Hope you like it!


This photo is available as a 1280x1024 wallpaper which was awarded a DD! ...get it here: Natural Lighting 2 - wallpaper

The other four shots in this ongoing series can be viewed in my mini-gallery devoted to Still Life Conceptual photography.

Image size
702x563px 472.83 KB
© 2006 - 2025 wb-skinner
anonymous's avatar
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dhawald3's avatar
Edison will be impressed.

great concept