Man and Firewb-skinner on DeviantArt

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Man and Fire



It was the pivotal moment in human history when the first people figured out how to use fire for warmth and cooking.

But we have never fully tamed the hungry element... at times it reminds us of its power and brings its devastation upon us.

Having spent more than half of my fifty years in the business of fighting fire, I have seen firsthand how ferocious and unforgiving it can be.

I have held people in my arms during the tragedy of its aftermath.  

And yet, I still am fascinated with its mystery... enamoured with its dancing beauty... and captivated by its wildness.


If you'd like, please have a gander at my mini-gallery devoted to fire


July 2017: I've redone this photo with a different workflow and have made the 16x20 print available.  

Image size
502x673px 555.72 KB
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Markus43's avatar
when earth gets hungry