Wazaga on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wazaga/art/Snow-Sprint-273513067Wazaga

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Wazaga's avatar

Snow Sprint



we raised 7,500 this year. thank you so much!

here, have the shaded version now :D


the "Comic Creators for Freedom" is an awesome project created by the wonderful :iconcomic-chic:

each year in December, comic creators gather together to create an awesome, one of a kind wallpaper for a donation drive. the proceeds of which are donated to help end human trafficking. a nasty thing that still plagues our world today and needs to be stopped.

this year's theme is "epic snowball fight", to which I decided to enter 2 of my favorite female characters.

because this cause it worth that and more. if you donate, you'll get to see these girls fully shaded in the wallpaper!!!
Image size
700x942px 120.83 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Wazaga
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VincentVanDoodle's avatar
interesting. reminds me of starwars, with that horse thing.