WarrenLouw on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/warrenlouw/art/Just-A-Lion-115151547WarrenLouw

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Just A Lion



Just A Lion (2002)

So... Thought id show you some of my older work. I originally was commissioned through a friend who's wealthy step father wanted me to draw him a portrait of a lion, who was willing to pay plenty. When I eventually completed it after all the huge amounts of time and effort I put into it, the rich bastard only offered me R200 (just under $20). I was so angry, I just refused. I was 17 at the time, but I wasnt that much of an idiot to agree to that.

I got the job done though. I dont think I would have finished it if it wasnt for the idea that I would get paid plenty. I still cant believe I had that much patience for all that detail...

Its nothing too eye-catching but just thought Id share anyway.

• Pencils on A3 paper
Image size
1001x718px 608.07 KB
© 2009 - 2024 WarrenLouw
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Absolutely beautiful, I love this piece. Do you have prints of it?