Warlord-of-Noodles on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/warlord-of-noodles/art/Conduct-526567460Warlord-of-Noodles

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Warlord-of-Noodles's avatar




Next no evil.


Well This was a learning experience.   Trying to figure out how to do this stuff in such a way that would allow others to help me.  Thanks Mr. Shoes and Rickkmurray for the help.  Good news is I think I have it sorted and it shouldn't take as long to do the next ones.... Ooooor it will take as long and then there will be like three in a row. We'll see.

Thanks again Patreon donors, your help will begin to speed things along presently^^.

Cast of No Evil:
Warlordofnoodles: Kitty (kajortoq), Calamity (chalchiutlicue)
Mr. Shoes: Huey (huehuecoyotl), Amaroq
MrMexicanFoodIsGood: Ichabod
Rachel the flying: Wrip
T.L.Jones: Vinkle
Sushijustask: Paula
Charles: Dr. Awesomesauce
Starshine: Angel
Chief McCoy: Specks
Cheif Hatfield:  Chirp Chirp
Image size
1280x594px 39.13 KB
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DwarvishWarrior's avatar

love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!