wardhighlands on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wardhighlands/art/B-250-Atramento-Tinctis-SOLD-425453805wardhighlands

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B-250 Atramento Tinctis SOLD



Edit: New owners reff aspen-isles-stable.deviantart.…

For some reason I had a lot of trouble drawing her horns. 

Show Name: Antramento Tinctis

ID: B-250
Name Meaning: Ink Dipped
Barn Names: Antra, Mento, Tink
Sex: Mare
Breed: Mountain Equus Ballator
Type: Light
Age: 5
Phenotype: Buckskin Dun Tobiano Hornstipe
Genotype: Ee/Aa/dD/nCr/nT/nHs
Personality: Antra is a neat freak just like her father, she hates anything involving dirt or mud. However she was named for her ink dipped looking legs/hooves. Antra prefers the company of mares over stallions but will socialize with them if need be. If a stallion wants to win he heart over he must be clean, friendly, and a gentlemen. 
Rarity: 8

Sire: sparkleguts.deviantart.com/art…
Dam: wardhighlands.deviantart.com/a…

Breeding slots:
1. Mine
2. Mine 
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open

It's 30 points to breed with you doing the breed pic and 40 points if I do it. 

Original design: wardhighlands.deviantart.com/a…
Image size
1089x1012px 216.05 KB
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