In the days of old, things were simpler, kinder. All out war was but simple distrust, the corruption plaguing the world had yet to break out, and the Angels and the Fae dwelt amongst the mortal people of the world.
One such Faerie was named Faelen. A younger Faerie, without the wisdom of her elders, but with great potential to use the power their God, Celran, had gifted them. A perfect target, he thought, watching her from the trees.
She had been collecting berries at the time. Celran had smiled on them recently, the weather had been well and the fruit were rich and juicy. She was sampling one particular bush; it had appeared unripe ...
Creators - Creation - Prologue by Waniou, literature
Creators - Creation - Prologue
Footsteps came down the cold floor. A man, wearing a suit, almost white, but in fact was shimmering with all colours.
Soon he came to a door. Top Secret, and other such phrases were stuck all over it. He disregarded them, stepping through the doorway, to eight other people, each wearing a different colour.
White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Grey, Orange, Brown. A rainbow in themselves. Behind them stood a large machine, like a giant porcupine, rods sticking out of it, and between them flowed lightning bolts, not just blue, but of each of the colours.
"Is it finished?" the man of all colours asked. The woman in white nodded, an...
--- Story #2 ---Dedicated to anyone stupid enough to run into a wall head first. *cough* I didn't do it. *cough**Prologue* "Hey there, cutie," I heard a voice from behind me. I spun around to see a group of guys, four or five years older than me coming up behind me. "What've you got in the bag there?"
"School books," I said and started walking calmly away.
"Lemme have a look at that," he began walking faster to catch up to me. I didn't bother moving any faster.
"I gotta get to school, go away," I said. They didn't leave and a few of them came up in front of me to try cut me off. The first guy grabbed my bag roughly and tried pulling...
--- Story #1 ---Dedicated to all my loyal readers, all my new readers, and all the people who hinted at maybe wanting to read whatever the hell it is I actually write.And to all the people who have stuck beside me and given me support during some of the rough patches I've had.
In the days of old, things were simpler, kinder. All out war was but simple distrust, the corruption plaguing the world had yet to break out, and the Angels and the Fae dwelt amongst the mortal people of the world.
One such Faerie was named Faelen. A younger Faerie, without the wisdom of her elders, but with great potential to use the power their God, Celran, had gifted them. A perfect target, he thought, watching her from the trees.
She had been collecting berries at the time. Celran had smiled on them recently, the weather had been well and the fruit were rich and juicy. She was sampling one particular bush; it had appeared unripe ...
Creators - Creation - Prologue by Waniou, literature
Creators - Creation - Prologue
Footsteps came down the cold floor. A man, wearing a suit, almost white, but in fact was shimmering with all colours.
Soon he came to a door. Top Secret, and other such phrases were stuck all over it. He disregarded them, stepping through the doorway, to eight other people, each wearing a different colour.
White, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Grey, Orange, Brown. A rainbow in themselves. Behind them stood a large machine, like a giant porcupine, rods sticking out of it, and between them flowed lightning bolts, not just blue, but of each of the colours.
"Is it finished?" the man of all colours asked. The woman in white nodded, an...
--- Story #2 ---Dedicated to anyone stupid enough to run into a wall head first. *cough* I didn't do it. *cough**Prologue* "Hey there, cutie," I heard a voice from behind me. I spun around to see a group of guys, four or five years older than me coming up behind me. "What've you got in the bag there?"
"School books," I said and started walking calmly away.
"Lemme have a look at that," he began walking faster to catch up to me. I didn't bother moving any faster.
"I gotta get to school, go away," I said. They didn't leave and a few of them came up in front of me to try cut me off. The first guy grabbed my bag roughly and tried pulling...
--- Story #1 ---Dedicated to all my loyal readers, all my new readers, and all the people who hinted at maybe wanting to read whatever the hell it is I actually write.And to all the people who have stuck beside me and given me support during some of the rough patches I've had.
You were never anything more,
Than the truth in my day,
The calm at night,
The voice that made it better.
You were never anything more,
Than the smile I couldnt hide,
The hug that was too tight,
The happiness in my laugh.
You were never anything more,
Than my secret keeper,
My constant confidant,
My stable side.
You were never anything more,
Than my best friend,
My caring tendencies,
And half my heart.
--- Story #1 ---Dedicated to all my loyal readers, all my new readers, and all the people who hinted at maybe wanting to read whatever the hell it is I actually write.And to all the people who have stuck beside me and given me support during some of the rough patches I've had.
Current Residence: New Zealand Favourite genre of music: Power/Heavy Metal Operating System: Windows XP (I'd rather have Linux) MP3 player of choice: iPod (I got it for free. ) Wallpaper of choice: Whatever I feel like having. Woo wallpaper changer! Favourite cartoon character: Homer Simpson Personal Quote: Is that a particle accelerator in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
And thus, another year comes to a close. I'm sure none of you saw my decade in review but oh well! The important thing is, something.Before I get into this, however, I'm going to just do a quick update on me. I'm still alive, no, I haven't checked dA for months, I have 342 deviations and 102 messages to check. I'm sure I'll do it eventually. I -will- graduate next year, damnit. Sick of failing stuff. And I've started writing Horror Show so hopefully I'll have part of that up for people to look at and tell me if it's alright. So! Without too much further ado, 2009!The year in politics:
Barack Obama's inauguration. Let's face it, having a bl...
Oh wow. I've done like... 5 journals this year.So! As you all know, this time next week, I'll be like "OMGAH ONE AND A HALF HOURS UNTIL A WHOLE NEW DECADE!!!!1111one". So, seeing as I normally end the year with a review of the year, I thought I'd go through the past decade, look at some of the major events in the world and in my life and be like "Oh hey, stuff happened."For those who have me on facebook, I'm already going through there, so for those who don't, you get a full list now. Enjoy!-2000-
The world ends as the Y2K bug runs rampart
It ends again when Microsoft releases Windows ME
It ends once again as India reaches 1 billion people...
I miss hearing your optimistic outlook and unique wit about stuff. Eh, I may sound dumb but I've been missing the old YGOO days where everyone talked all the time. That was some fun. I wish we all still had a place kind of like that.
To be honest all the boards I've created were made in an attempt to recreate that environment. But eh, nothing was ever like it, save YGON for a brief period.
Well, anyway, it'd be nice to hear from you or something. How you're doing and all that. I don't know. Haha.
Could've sworn I replied to this XD I'm alright! Been better, been worse. So all in all, kinda average?
And yeah, I never did think you could repeat YGOO to be honest. It was a great place, but alas, a time comes when you must let the past lie or something like that. *shrug*
But yeah, I'm alright, just very lazy regarding dA.