[Creature Comforts] Vania + His Majestywandering-kotka on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/wandering-kotka/art/Creature-Comforts-Vania-His-Majesty-1137051598wandering-kotka

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wandering-kotka's avatar

[Creature Comforts] Vania + His Majesty



Sure, sure, mindflayer parasite this, mindflayer parasite that, I have cats to pet.

Thank you, @nickyflamingo for letting me go wild with Vania and His Majesty!

Want something like this of your OC? Hop on the pinglist here:

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Vania - @nickyflamingo

Owlbear, His Majesty, Baldur's Gate 3 - Larian Studios, Hasbro

Art - wandering-kotka

Drawn in FireAlpaca

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900x900px 199.64 KB
© 2024 - 2025 wandering-kotka
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nickyflamingo's avatar

You gotta stop and befriend all the animals! Isn't that how you're supposed to play, with speak with animals always active?

Thank you for this. Like you, it is an absolute DELIGHT.