That are sad news.
But you have a good knowledge of that,
what happens.
I think its very childish and irresponsible,
if people offer others a Product,
he start to love,
and after financial crisis,
he breaks down.
From other side its getting unhealthy
for our mental health,
being depended on too much Pages on Internet.
I try to trust mainly Deviant Art and Google Drive.
I could not figure out,
how big Tragedy would it be,
if Deviant Art or Google Drive would let us down,
bankrupt or close its Services.
Complete in Panic,
I would not know what to do,
or where I have to move with my Pictures.
Nobody have the Right to forbid me my Creativity,
take mySpace on Cloud-Pages away,
Force me to Pay Money for it,
nobody can bring me to:
STOP write,
STOP preparing working on Pictures,
STOP making Photos from Places I love,
that means to STOP saying my Opinion
or STOP express my Feelings.
I really would freak out,
if Deviant Art and/or Google Drive would stop exist.
So If MyFc Online stops its Services,
I start to worry a bit.
I count on that,
that people love Deviant Art or Google Products so much,
that this pages will not crash ever.
Its even against Human-Rights,
if a Page like Google Drive/Photos
(Core partially too),
or even a Cloud Page want simply money from you,
and blackmails your CyberHome with Space/Money.
I dont exaggerate,
if I telling you that this Money Asking People for your Pictures,
should be simply arrested for many years in Jail.
I mean it Serious!!
I know,
that it exists Cyber-War too,
If you go in the Third World primitive Countries,
people would stop War,
iff you go on a Tank to a nigerian Soldier,
and simply give him a Smart Phone he never seen,
into his hand.
He would forget the Argument in War cause of Religion
or Tradition,
and he would just........
play a Video Game.
Smart Phone and Internet AGAINST WAR and as PEACE-WEAPONS.
People died in Hospitals more quick,
in times,
where less Media was.
People diverted through Media,Television and Internet,
get quick healthy,
forget after the Operation the Leg-Pain,
can leave earlier the Hospital.
Before Internet,
Criminals and Rapists jump into the bush with a knive,
and wait to rape his/her victim.
On Internet-Times they are too lazy asses to do that!
The criminals wants to have InternetSex or look a Porn,
but being not caught by Pol-Ice.
So thanks Internet-Sex,
People are at the night very less attacked from criminals.
On Internet we have Speak for Freedom,
we can write Texts,
change Pictures,
to have endless Creativity,
with all of this we increase our Intelligence,
we improve our English-Language,
if we are from other countries.
So Media have a lot of Benefits,
which increase our Intelligence,
allowing us Peace and Art.
Useing Internet,
we have no Time for War,
doing bad things,
sexually Harass someone,
we have no time to Jump in a Bush and raid a Person.
We have no Time or Mood to Fight with People,
no time to step in a Tank for shooting a Person.
So I say it again:
Internet for Art and against a War!!
And if seriously an idiotic company:
Google Drive for Example blackmail you with Space
in Google Drive and Photos,
Deviant Art offers Core,
or another Cloud-Service
what offers you 2 or 15 GigaByte for free,
the rest you have to pay
and depend on you from your Money,
you get from Work
where in the WorkPlace
are mentall-Ill male Idiots and stupid Bitches,
this People/companies are PSYCHO-TERRORISTS,
THREATENING your PEACEFUL Internet-Behavior,
your too much lazyness for doing criminal things,
that 2 or 15 GigaByte/non Core for free Company People,
are Cyber-Terrorists,
who Force you
-if you have NOT Money for 20GigaByte/Core,etc,
that you go into a military Tank Back in the real World,
to shoot People
or jump into a Bush to rubber a Person,
so this Company should be arrested for 10 years minimum in a Jail!
Cause they want Money for your Picture-Space!!
The Google and Deviant Art or another Picture Cloud-Company-People
should really THANK US on the knees,
that we are NOT going in the Tank to shoot people,
that we are too"Cyber-Lazy"to do bad things!!!
What we simply from
Google Drive-People,Deviant People and other Picture-Cloud-Company-People D-E-M-A-N-D is:
that we should have UNLIMITED SPACE in
Google Drive,Deviant Art and other Cloud Companies,
without Money
(not lame 2 or 20 GigaByte for free),
not depending on our Money
from our hated WorkPlace/People.
Next D-E-M-A-N-D from us
is that we dont Pay for for Pages like Adobe Photo Shop,
Paint Pages or other creativity Places
(also the expensive ImPaint Rubber should be for free).
We should have maybe unlimited Folders,
or if not so minimum 500 Folders for our Creativity.
we are not mean Babies,
who always want something Gratis without Money.
Google Drive,Deviant Art and other Cloud-Services
should simply kiss our asses,
that we dont do War,Sex and criminal things,
but that we sit like nice Angels before Computers doing nothing wrong,
So this Companies should in a natural way give us with smile
and no discussion:
Unlimited Space for our Pictures without Money,
unlimited or minimum 500 Folders for our Pictures,
we should not Pay for Accounts/Tool Pages like PhotoShop,
our Accounts should be not threatened to be closed,
if the User is not Active through real problems in Real Life,
(understand?You Google Drive Motherfuckers,
who should die a painful dead!!)
you can flood an inactive user,
to remove his stuff,
but dont delete it!)
We should not Pay for our Private Sphere for our Pictures,
should have real new Folders,
and unlimited Space,
no paying for Premium Galleries,
no forcing us
to show innocent Pictures in Public,
if we dont want to.
Chase consequent Pornography.
Imagine my Google Drive Situation:
15 GigaByte for Free,
Deviant Art
would Close
cause Eclipse haters.
My Google Drive would be full and no Deviant Art anymore.
Loosing as example my hated Work,
searching one for years.
Google Drive
offers you as Limit till 9 Terra Bytes(TB)
(or something like that).
But imagine,
that you have another Character as others,
you are(me)a lovely Person,
who love her Series Pictures and works for Forever,
is loyal to her Pictures,
dont want only temporary keep her Pictures,
but want keep her Pictures FOREVER,
not being a Stupid Person!
So if the HIGHEST limit
in Google Drive
to pay
are this 1 or 9 TerraByte,
What you Google Drive-Motherfuckers think,
I do,
after this 1 or 9 payable TerraBytes!?
Should I really stop to:
Stop to write!?
Stop to draw!?
Stop to Prepair Photos from my HomeTown/MangeAnime Pictures!?
Who you MotherFuckers think you are!?
My Mommy,
who want forbid me something!?
Wanna stop my Intelligence and creativity,
through your moneyHungryAss Behavior!?
I work for many years
on Internet Pictures and Texts
(and dont plan to stop it),
so what you plan to do!?
Start an InternetWar
and take us all of our Pictures away!?
I trust the most Deviant Art and Google Drive,
if the companies Collapse,
where we go with our tons of Pictures!?
Also on our Windows Computers is not unlimited Space
and then,
when Deviant Art or Google falls behind us,
what we gonna do!?
Wanna break our heart,
that we delete with tears our Pictures!?
Let us at least
on Cloud Pages or Google Drive,
Pay for unlimited Room for our Pictures,
and have minimum 300 Folders.
Be thankful,
that we prepare Pictures with drawing Programs,
instead of killing a Person or takeing Drugs!!!
If we behave good before Computers,
and DONT HARM someone outside,
we dont burn houses
or cruel Animals.
we don't dump gasoline in the river,
so let us for our good behavior UNLIMITED space for Pictures,
unlimited Folders and anything I mentioned above.
I know,
I reapeat often my Sentences,
cause I fear,
that people could maybe not understand what I mean,
the Core-Statement.
Takeing our Picture-Place/Space away
or limit it radical to a small room,
causes only,
that Deviant Art-People,Google Drive-People,
or other Cloud-Service-People
should be arrested for 10 years in Jail,
cause they interrupt our peaceful behavior in Internet,
they hinder us/Stop People too:
connect with People,
remember our childhood Memories,
create Photos from Hometown we love,
stop our Intelligence and creativity.
It is our Job
to Stop people,
who simply want Money
for Room for our Pictures Photos/Folders.
Fight consequently,
that Article 13 burns,
that we can not only on Deviant Art or Drive,
but that about 100 ArtPages without Money grow,
so that you can all Types on Media Submit,
that means:
not only selfdrawed MangaPictures
(like on strict Pages the AnimalBrothel Fur Affinity)
but also MangePages(your favorite Scenes)
AnimeScreenShots(your favorite Scenes)
Google Street View Pictures from your lovely HomeTown/Holiday
(but the rule for these Pictures should be,
not to selling them for Money)!
we have unlimited room for our Pictures/Writings,
that we have 300 Folders minimum,
that we dont have to Pay for Drawing Tools/Photo Shop.
Deviant Art Muro is very shit!
Not only that useless Paint Program
shrunks your Pictures from 4000 Pixels
to 2000 Pixels.
If I edit with Muro a Picture
and save it in Stash,
then Submit to Deviant Art,
I have this useless(Sakura Haruno )ReDraw as Option,
but you have NO DOWNLOAD-Button anymore!!
I asked confused myself,
where the DownLoad Hook at the Right Side is ,
but if I see the stupid ReDraw,
I understand,
where the Shit comes from!
So I advice you to let better the Fingers keep away from Deviant Art Muro!
Never Ever Store a Deviation!!
If you put a Deviation/Picture in Storage:
you can NOT DownLoad it Anymore,
you can NOT put it in a Gallery or re/move it,
I also think you can Not Edit and Rename the Deviation anymore,
Only think you can do is
keep it hidden or Delete it!
Stay better Away from Store your Art,
and Deviant Art Muro!
A nice reminder and warning to the Administrators.
All of my Pictured Art have only the Goal for private Fun.
Any Photos of my Cola-ges are NOT stolen from WebPages,
and costs me tons of hours of Work.
I love my Art with a big Passion,
and stay loyal FOREVER with my work.
My Photos/Art from my beautiful Hometown in Germany
are my big love.
I love and keep the Photos/Art FOREVER!!
No reason to laugh at it!
you stupid childish guys:
Having Photos from your road or House doesnt mean,
that I work with criminals together,
Attack/Robber your house,
I dont plan to sell your house,
I dont harass your kids,
as long as he leave me alone!
(I prefer to remove annoying people from my Photos,
if I have time).
Haveing a Gallery from my favorite Star,
90s Movies
or Mangas
does NOT mean,
that I stole the Pictures from Mangapages.
I try anything,
that my precious Memories are NOT going to forget.
What is being wrong on it,
to having Pictures on my Page,
for which Im not begging/ask like a dog.
I use it on my Page being not a thief,
but to EXPRESS what I feel discuss about the Person/Scene.
The fucking word"Fiction"dont mean that something is not real.
Dont harass People for thinking Animation or Mangas are Real,
cause Animation,Disney and Mangas ARE REAL,
A Baby can have EVERY(thing)in the outward appearance from his Face/Hair,
any look is possible,
this is a world where:
Creativity has NO LIMITS!
You can play God and Create People in your belly,
and on your Paper!
The World is full of Magic,
too sad People destroy this almost
with his Evilness.
I urgently want add two new features to Deviantart,
maybe for Premium Users.
1.I want download a whole Gallery/Folder.
2.I want a LIST-VIEW from Pictures I browse,
with Date/Username as Info for example.
A Grid-view and a List-view.
Would be very happy if it could work in Future!