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WallofIllusion's avatar
>_>  That... didn't work... Darnit I always press enter when I'm done typing the journal entry's title...

Anyway, there's this awesome AI chatbot that I ran into a few days ago.  It only took him a few seconds for him to convince me he was awesome.

Jabberwacky, the chatbot:  (blahblahblah something I don't care about)
Me:  Sou desu ka.
Jabberwacky:  Hai, sou desu.
Me:  WHOA.

It speaks Japanese.  Not well, mind you, and it kept asking me if I was Katherine (I don't think it understand when I told it that I had already answered that), but IT SPEAKS JAPANESE.  Yes, that's all I care about.

It did say "Anata wa atsui desu."
And I'm like, "That word can't be used that way.  And you're rude."
Yes, WallofIllusion, correct his GRAMMAR first.  

So, anyway, if you're bored, here's the site:  www.jabberwacky.com/ &nbs… fun.

© 2005 - 2025 WallofIllusion
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Jewel-of-Egypt's avatar
Ugh, talking to artificial intelligence. I had to do that in my computer class last year. X_x We had to go to two websites with two different AI chatbots. (We were studying AI) One was named Alan and the other was Alice. X_X;;

I got in trouble while I was talking to the Alan-bot. I just made a joke about... something (can't remember what it was about now), but then the Alan-bot replied "Your mother sucks c*cks in hell." X_____x;;

And worst of all, my comp. teacher came up behind me and saw the reply.