Wadlo's avatar


Zombie Themed
6 Watchers10 Deviations
My Bio

Current Residence: Santa Monica, California
Operating System: XP/Vista/OSX/Linux
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
Shell of choice: Bash

Favourite Movies
28 Days Later
Tools of the Trade
Too Many To List
Alright. All of my current zombie theme is online. This includes: Cursors Rocketdock Icons A Rocketdock Separator A Rocketdock Indicator A Wallpaper I have posted a screenshot to show what the final result is.By tomorrow night, I will post a Mac OSX version of the Rocketdock icons for anyone that wants to set up the same theme on OSX. Feel free to post comments and suggestions.
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I have an account. Finally!I'll be honest. I have run across deviantART several times over the years and I always thought there were some interesting people posting stuff on here. I never signed up because I didn't see a reason... until now.Let me skip ahead chronologically and explain what I am up to.I have a nice setup (my "Rig") and decided I wanted to completely transform the appearance to make it something unique and fitting of my style. By this time you are probably thinking "great... ZZZzzz." My style and obsession is zombies. All things zombie. I eat sleep and breathe zombie. So of course why not make a zombie theme? I thought of d...
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