w176 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/w176/art/Techpriest-Millicent-Helios-139003874w176

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w176's avatar

Techpriest Millicent Helios



This is fanart for my friend ~Atzel.

In a Dark Heresy game we are playing this is the groups kickass de facto leader Techpriest Millicent Helios.

She's awsome.

The tooooons of metal and details of this picture made take forever to draw, but it turned out great. Imho. I'm proud of it.
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3898x2480px 3.02 MB
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Verdokai's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

For starters, I really like this. It looks like one big step forward in general and is really a very nice piece of work. The amount of work you've put into it (and the long time too) really shows, and I can't get it out of my head how much I like those arms. And the eye on the arm. And the arm with all the million tools on. And the arm that divides into two to divide into a claw and a chainsaw and a ball which divides into a MILLION things from the dentist's office PLUS a ray gun/ben wa-balls!
It's all so pretty. And the 3D-effect is just lovely, one can really see how they bend in, well, three dimensions I guess, rather than the usual two for drawings made by us regular mortals.

However, that splendid 3D-effect (AND THE HAIR GOSH THE HAIR) is also something that adds to the minor complaint I'll make too - it's not present on the fabric of her gown. Her face is OK, her hand is all right and her lips pretty charming - but her robes... are just flat, at least in comparison to the arms. It looks sort of like she's walking aroung in red aluminium, which is especialy apparent in the fact that her left sleeve doesn't fall at all and her right sleeve shows no reaction to the metal bands going across it - they don't even cast a shadow.
If indeed she -is- however walking around in aluminium, I withdraw this critique, but then again it doesn't look quite like it - it seems you've drawn furry fluffy things at the end of her sleeves.

I guess to summarise, I think that although your patience was probably lacking and although the arms are so much cooler than cloth, the image would have looked more solid had her robes been given more attention.

... but then again, there are at least three skulls in this picture, and I haven't even started looking yet. I want to play Warhammer now. The skull's eyes glow read - you've got me hooked.

(also I hate the dA rating system, but enjoy your top EVERYTHING.