Probably an owlW001F on DeviantArt

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Probably an owl


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I really want to draw and design weird little creatures, but I'm always hesitant to do it. I just have so many worries that people won't like them. On top of that, I also kept telling myself I shouldn't be doing this because they're not....good/fancy ? Yesterday I got a huge encouragement from a classmates that means a lot. I really want to start embrace myself a little more so....we'll see how this goes! 

For the mean time, here's an owl! I'm a little too much in love with high contrast lately haha.
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3334x2112px 469.86 KB
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anonymous's avatar
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Lesovoj's avatar

I came to your profile looking for more refrences for Hel but omg

these are so so good!! This *is* fancy. Amateurs think that simple art doesnt need skill but its actually really hard to balance the composition, pose, style, etc. and simplfy it into basic shapes (and youve done an amazing job on all of that here!!)