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Monster Erotica
93 Deviations


Tala Vs. Diaboc 1: Promo 4 by Vyxes, visual art

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Erotic comics and galleries about perverse misadventures with slimy monsters.


SubscribeStar: $3 random feed, $15 full access

DriveThru Comics: $2.50 Comics and $2.50 Galleries

Payhip: $5 Comics and Galleries

DA Store: $5 Comics and Galleries




New Grounds

Contact me at vyxes.auth@gmail.com

Comics and Galleries for Sale

TvD1 StoreBnnr1
OHOS3 StoreBnnr1
SSSP StoreBnnr1
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Contact me at vyxes.auth@gmail.com

Facial Expressions and Body Language

Simple Tools For Body Language by Vyxes, journal

Slime Effects

Simple Tools For Slime Effects by Vyxes, journal

For those wondering,

I don't do commissions.

Though I sell the results, my pursuits are personal.

Profile Comments 97

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Another Badge, thank you :happybounce:

Thanks for the hype! It made me notice that I wasn't watching you. Don't know how that happened. I must have seen your stuff in my feed for groups and just assumed it was because I watched. Anyway, I have fixed that oversight. :)

Thank you for the watch. Now that my major move is coming to end, I can get back to adding new stuff.

Thank you for the Hype Badge

Thank you for the Badge :hug:

Thanks for the fa:heart:e--much kindness to you...:nod: