Policer Patrol SandrailVulnePro on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vulnepro/art/Policer-Patrol-Sandrail-24736353VulnePro

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VulnePro's avatar

Policer Patrol Sandrail



This one I had some fun with. The story is set on in places with a good deal of desert terrain. This unit is actually used by Sendai so the little bio-mech fellas drive it. My notion of many of the vehicles is they would look sorta like crazy souped up dune buggies or something akin to a Tamiya RC buggy. The tires shouldn't be bald, I know, got a little lazy so that's what the notation about bald tires was for. This would be intended to be a cell-shaded 3D model if this goes to the production stage as an eventual show.

Inked pencils CG colored in Photoshop 7.0
Image size
900x569px 613.37 KB
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Crossroads44's avatar
Ha - cool. Reminds me of Dominon Tank Police.