Badan Song: Heath's wallriderVulnePro on DeviantArt

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Badan Song: Heath's wallrider



Heath Wuthering and Gumbinnen Semm's custom Tivainus wallrider.

Heath character sheet: [link]

As those of you following TKP have seen I had posted two batches of wallriders a week or so ago. There were two pick up style vehicles in one of those batches and both of them had some variation of a green color theme. Those were, more or less, some color tests for this (colors only as I had designed this well before those) so we have green here again.

I wanted to give Heath a really interesting and rugged looking vehicle and I think this fits the bill. Although Heath can haul things in the rear bed it's actually more a command post for his combat tadus partner Gumbinnen Semms. In the rear view you can see some of the monitors Gumbee uses behind the drivers seat. There will be more views of the interior of the truck later.

The truck has various omnisense optical cameras for a variety of uses in concert with Heath and Gumbee's investigative and law enforcement work.

In the side of the truck is Heath and Gumbee's registered, with the Genuaä Municipal Policer Precinct, I.P.I.O. call number 68-3.

[Just to note, these are not flying cars, they're suspended on tracks between buildings. They may look like flying cars but are not, the wheels (like train wheels) are on the sides sticking out.]

Digitally cleaned up pencil line work with digital colors in Photoshop CS3. BG is a peek at a TKP Badan Song BG layout.

More to come...

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688x900px 549.32 KB
© 2010 - 2025 VulnePro
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MRock91's avatar
thanks for these arts...