Daenji's avatar


Endless and Serpentine
216 Watchers17 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (76)
My Bio
Favourite photographer: doyou
Favourite style of art: Artilogian

Tools of the Trade
CS5 | Manga Studio | Mischief | Wacom

Alex Rodriguez

0 min read
I'll be updating this page with news, new pictures, and what's going on with my commission status very soon but I wanted to drop a quick link here for anyone who is interested in helping. Just found this cool guy Alex, itsajackal (https://www.deviantart.com/itsajackal), and saw where he is having a tough situation. This guy is a pretty competent sketch artist and he's trying to get the cash to go visit his Mom in the hospital. So he's selling some very nice original art for a great deal. Here's his journal: http://itsajackal.deviantart.com/journal/selling-art-for-a-good-cause-298379642 And here are just a few examples from his gallery: :thumb298744453: :thumb293945659: :t
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As some of you know already I've had a chest and back injury after my last journal. I'm still recovering from this and not able to sit and paint for any long periods yet. This will unfortunately mean there will still be some delays on pending works. I can only say that I continue to be grateful to all of you for your patience and I will be back asap! In the meantime, if you came here to try to hire me for new commissions I must officially close these until I've caught up with all of my present queue. I'll redirect you to two good friends whom I trust in relation to my business dealings. Please contact Jeremy, DaggerPoint (https://www.deviantart.com/daggerpoint), directly for an
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Quick Update

0 min read
Just a general note to inform that I seem to have worked out my connection issues and will be basically flooding your watches over the next days. Thanks everyone for your patience and understanding! It's greatly appreciated! ~Daenji
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Profile Comments 836

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Thanks for the :+fav:
love your style, congraz on 3rd place and OMG, love all of your work :D
BIG CONGRATS ON 3rd PLACE! Well done! :D
Thank you! I had no idea how anything was going. I didn't vote in any of the polls where my piece was a choice. I'm very happy to have been able to participate and I loved seeing everyone's entries! This was a LOT of fun!!! I am seeing from Armando's journal that you won!! So congratulations!! I thought your coloring was very good and really think you are becoming a great pinup artist! ^-^
I was up against some very stiff competition - thank you for that! I am so pleased to have won, I cant wait to buy Amrando prints! :D

OMG, I really need to update my work on DA - I havent put any of my last years worth of work up here at all - except this one lol.
Figured I would simplify the connection between my art sig and finding me. I have been signing everything as Daenji for a while now.