Deviation Actions

voyagerwitch's avatar

Short Circuit - Face To Face



Chapter 1 submission for :icontalesoftabira:
On Google Drive

Short Circuit, for reference

  • Demonstrate an abnormal or unique ability for the Scholars (2 Scholars rep, Spirit of Technique)
  • Tell Madras about where you're from, or about what you think of Tabira if you've always lived there (1 Keepers rep)

Thank you to my friend kyoukonut for the pixel art of Lilah and Yonah, which is in the thumbnail! It's extremely cute!

Team Acro by gira-ti
Team Lancer by wedward45
Team Guang by Snowbound-Becca

I'm sorry that I couldn't fit more cameos in! I got many more cameo requests than I expected, and I wasn't able to write another story like I had planned... regardless, I hope everyone enjoys this little slice of Lilah and Yonah's life together!
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gira-ti's avatar
OH NICEE sorry i didnt see this sooner!!! i love liah and yonah ahh their interactions are A+ ^_^

(i like how madras was shocked about addy heheh that was cute)

thanks for including my team ghost!!