Dinobots logoVosmy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vosmy/art/Dinobots-logo-204241756Vosmy

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Vosmy's avatar

Dinobots logo



I could never accept Dinobots as true Autobots. In original g1 cartoon they fight side by side, but Dinobots were always something else. They were like... Good Decepticons, 'cuz they're brutal but good. In new Animated cartoon (which i do like as much as original) they not even part of Autobots, but use their logo. Dinobots and especially Grimlock are my favorite thing in TransFormers universe, so i decided to give them they're own logo. Not much of an art, but i've seen a lot of both Autobots and Decepticons logos as deviations. So, i gave you the Dinobots logo. It's based on g1 Grimlocks face.
TransFormers, Dinobots and Grimlock (c) Hasbro.
Image size
842x1000px 461.91 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Vosmy
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PrimeShift01's avatar
Not ''true' Autobots? That's. ..an interesting interpretation.  Can't say that I agree with that but oh well....no biggie. Iove this logo regardless.