Grave of the FirefliesVortexSupernova on DeviantArt

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VortexSupernova's avatar

Grave of the Fireflies



Oh, my internet connection is getting rekt again. I cannot extend my time in watch because it won't load the older ones. I wish I have fiber optic internet lol, but nah, I would choose deviants to unwatch their adding faves to collection to prevent flooding, but I'll still watch their own works. :)

I haven't watched yet this movie, but people are saying if you haven't, do not watch it.

Krita + Mouse
2 hours


Grave of the Fireflies (c) Studio Ghibli
You may use this picture as long as you give credits to the creator of the film and me
You're not allowed to use this image in commercial purposes or making money due to copyright.
Image size
2020x1180px 8.78 MB
© 2018 - 2025 VortexSupernova
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fiorinosulaco's avatar

Intense and beautiful!