Hi there. You can call me Heimdall. I'm a person, sort of. I like things, like listening to metal and walking barefoot and smelling thunderstorms and eating meat. And sleeping. I like some other things too. I'm on deviantArt to showcase my art and get commissions. I'm a professional leatherworker but I also draw, write, code, electroplate, and bonecarve.
I am of ambiguous gender and prefer to be referred to with gender-neutral pronouns.
My shop:
www.etsy.com/shop/athousandras… Past Cons
Anime USA 2015
Anthrocon 2013-2016, 2018
Awesomecon DC 2014-2016, 2018
Balticon 2017
Baltimore Comic-Con 2013-2018
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2014-2018
Furthemore 2014, 2017-2018
Katsucon 2014-2018
Magfest 2014, 2016-2019
MD Renaissance Festival 2015, 2017-2018
Nekocon 2015-2016
Otakon 2015-2016
Shatterdome Con 2014
VA Renaissance Faire 2014-2015, 2017-2018
I'll be either in the dealer room, artist alley, or marketplace of all these cons, so come out, say hello, and buy some cool leatherwork!