Vooron on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vooron/art/Okami-Amaterasu-s-Revival-435687817Vooron

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Okami - Amaterasu's Revival


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"Amaterasu, now is the time. We have never needed your powers more! Shine your divine light upon this broken polluted world. Let your heavenly rays become our hope as you guide us all!" - Sakuya 
~T I M E L A P S E

After two years of break I started playing Okami again. I feel ashamed to say that I had forgotten how epic that game is ;;_;; But no matter. I have regain love for it. That game has it's ways to make one feel like drawing and I have low resistance for that. SOO - I have always wanted to draw this moment from the game. The moment when Sakuya revives Amaterasu from the stone. Of course this is my own take of the moment..... I HOPE I DID NOT RUIN ANYONES VISION OF ITjkadsjbnahjfsbhdb.
Gu gu gu gu gu.
edit: also little thanks for Aoiameku for helping me a little with colors ;D

Okami (c) Clover studios
Art (c) Grypwolf 2014 
Image size
694x1100px 916.79 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Vooron
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P0keflame's avatar

Heh this is amazing i even use it as my phone background its so damn good ^^