Innsmouth Fishhook (Circa 1919)vonmeer on DeviantArt

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vonmeer's avatar

Innsmouth Fishhook (Circa 1919)



An old rusty Innsmouth fishhook with 5 barbed "tentacle" hooks. It's posed over a 1920s ivory and iron hook to show scale.

Innsmouth produced numerous types of odd hooks for the fishing aficionado/collector and the iron "Octo" series were interesting as they inherently acted as weighted sinkers.

After the raid on Innsmouth, these have grown in value and rarity. A curious part of fishing ephemera.

Made of Super Sculpey, aged to look rusty. I based the rusty color off of the real 1920s era fishhook it's posed upon.
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3424x2204px 18.72 MB
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heartfullofhell's avatar
Very nice rust effect.