vonmeer on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/vonmeer/art/Deep-one-teeth-from-Devils-Reef-Innsmouth-356413548vonmeer

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vonmeer's avatar

Deep one teeth from Devils Reef/Innsmouth



A grouping of some curious teeth collected from the beaches off devils reef and a couple from a traveling dentist who was in Innsmouth. He committed suicide and these were found in his room.

I have been told by a friend at Miskatonic that these are not shark teeth but Deep-one teeth. They are exceedingly sharp, with almost mammalian like roots almost like those of a man.

I believe some to be predating humanity, from some antediluvian era unbeknownst to man today. A very strange assortment.

They need some cleaning up and a proper exhibit, as the photo does them no justice.

Made from prehistoric shark teeth and Fimo.
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Bestiarius's avatar
I really like the chimeric transition between fish-teeth and human teeth, especially as they illustrate very well the transition of Innsmouth people into fish-creatures.