VoLoXi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/voloxi/art/Ciel-Shimeji-WIP-Completed-196097884VoLoXi

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Ciel Shimeji WIP (Completed)



:bulletred: RAR: fav.me/d4a6bar
:bulletyellow:  I am still trying to find a solution to the mac issue for shimejis.  So far none of the mac ones ive tried to use to fix is have worked unfortunately.

:bulletred: Short FAQ from the shimeji group. The long version can be found below.
Q: What is a Shimeji?
A: Shimeji (しめじ) is a little desktop buddy that roams your screen. The original site actually calls it "the world's most useless mascot", which will probably give you a idea of it's purpose. It is a cute, but also useless program. Not to be confused with the mushroom, which you can find here.

Q: Is a Shimeji available for Mac users?
A: No, not yet, sorry.

Q: What does a Shimeji do?
A: They sit randomly, walk and crawl about your monitor, and sometimes double themselves with or without your permission. Sometimes if you minimize a window, your Shimeji may try to take it away.

Q: What does the Shimeji Menu say?
A: It says this, in order:
"Add one" - Click this and one more Shimeji will appear. The more times you click it, the more Shimejis you get.
"Come here!" - All of the Shimeji will run over to your mouse and follow it, and most likely sit and watch you guide the mouse around. They won't sit there forever, though!
"Leave one left" - If you get too many Shimeji on your screen, click this option and it will leave you with only one left.
"Bring back my IE windows!" - Sometimes a Shimeji, like I mentioned, will try to take your minimized windows away [although it doesn't happen too much]. Click this option to get it back. Take note that they won't be able to steal enlarged windows.
"Bye bye" - Click this to log it off.

Q: I right-clicked my Shimeji and it says something in Japanese I do not understand. What does it say?
A: "Bai bai/Bye bye". Click on this option and the one Shimeji you right-clicked will disappear; if you have more than one Shimeji open, and don't feel like going through this so many times, go to the task bar where you see the Shimeji icon [for example, Norway's is a Norwegian flag], right-click, and click the third option. If you read above, you will know it will leave you with only one.

Q: If they're a useless program, why are they so popular?
A: Well, everyone has different opinions; but the overall opinion I hear is that they're cute.

Dont know what a shimeji is?
shimejis.deviantart.com/blog/?… <--- Then look here C:
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607x706px 302.02 KB
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CielPhantomhiveTea's avatar

Can you add the download button again? I dont want to download anything on the other Ciel Shimeji. I just want it to be here in Chrome