
Kirby a Third Chance: Chapter 5

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    The ship both Marx and Magolor were so excited about sat in the middle of a grassy field. Colored white and blue, the Lor Starcutter looked more like it was meant for the water than for the sky with it's shape, mast, and the oars at it's sides. Yet, when Zero got close, he could also see what looked like rainbow colored veins running along it's walls. They eerily reminded him of the creature from the void.

    "Welcome to my home!" Magolor clapped his hands excitedly before rushing ahead of Zero and Marx as they neared the door. "I wasn't expecting guests, so there might be a stray book or two lying about the floor, and the ship might not be in the mood for strangers either."

    "The ship has moods?" Zero asked. "That's kinda hard to believe."

    "Yeah, it doesn't trust people much," Magolor slumped a bit with lowered ears. "Especially after some events a while back."

    "Ooh," Marx leaned towards Magolor. "What kinda even-"

    Zero pushed past the two of them. "I was promised some food and a place to stay for the night, and I'd really like to get both soon." When he got to the metallic door, he was surprised by it opening on it's own.

    "Looks like the Lor Starcutter agrees to meet you." Magolor raised his floating hands in a shrug before flying through.

    "Is this going to be a slumber party?" Marx followed him. "I'm not playing dress up if it is, I'm already fancy."

    "Oh, what a wonderful idea!" Magolor giggled before disappearing behind the wall. "I can make popcorn."

    Zero groaned angrily until he was ready to enter the ship. Once through, the door slammed closed behind him, shutting out the sunlight. He didn't need it though. With big light-bulbs overhead, the room dazzled his eye with the walls and floor of white. Being so reflective, the tiles at Zero's feet almost looked blue, bouncing the colors from the gear shaped decorations throughout the space. And the room they were in was huge.

    As Zero sat against a wall, Magolor flew off to a second door, saying that he'd soon be back with some food. That's when Marx flopped down beside the puffball.

    "You got us a nice place to stay the night, didn't ya?" The jester grinned. "Plus you got us a truly gourmet dinner? What's your secret?"

    "I didn't do anything," Zero answered. "The guy just offered it to us."

    "Ah, so he's a chump."

    Zero stared in shock at the bluntness in the way Marx spoke. Once he recovered though, he said, "That or a creep."

    "Oh imagine, we're in so much trouble if that's the case!" Marx laughed at that.

    "That's not funny." Zero didn't understand, even logically, why the jester would laugh.

    That was when the whir of a door opening interrupted the two, causing Zero to look over at Magolor, who now held a basket of various fruits and veggies in his hands.

    He held it out for the duo to see. "I knew you two were hungry, so I didn't want to make you wait until I'd cooked something."

    "Aw yeah!" Marx jumped up. "Whoa, is that a Maxim Tomato!?"

    While the other two began to chat among themselves, Zero ate in silence. He preferred being ignored though, It was the needed break from being constantly bothered that allowed him to have his fill of food. Then once he'd finished, he was able to shut his eye for a bit of rest. The other two's voices soon faded into the background. But as Zero was falling asleep, Magolor prodded him until he opened his eye.

    "No way am I allowing you to sleep on the floor!" The hooded creature motioned with his hand that he wanted Zero to follow. "Come on, I have beds for you in another room."

    Zero rubbed his eye as Magolor led him through a doorway, hearing the footsteps of Marx running to catch up behind them. Upon entering a corridor, Magolor stopped at one of the many doors within. Zero was too tired to count them. Yet even without the energy, Zero knew that when he entered the new room, there were four beds inside. Each had a differently colored blanket, one with a green and yellow pattern, another of purple with random shapes, and a third that had a red and yellow design. The fourth was obviously Magolor's though. It was blue with an embroidered golden gear lining, and a book that had been left near the pillow. On the far wall was a small window in the shape of a gear. The sky outside was a deep purple, signifying the setting of the sun and the end of Zero's first day in his new life.

    As the single eyed puff sat on the bed of yellow and red, Marx came over. He then proceeded to spit Zero's little red star out of his mouth and onto the ground.

    "Gross!" Zero was angry and disgusted at the sticky liquid now on the star.

    "You left that on the floor in the other room." Marx said.

    Magolor, with slightly lowered ears picked it up and wiped the spit off with his glove before placing it on the nearby nightstand. "There, now you have that near you when you go to sleep."

    "Does that mean we're going to bed now too?" Marx asked with disappointment as Zero lied down on his pillow. "I was hoping for popcorn."

    Magolor giggled. "Don't worry, I just wanted to make sure Zero was comfortable." His voice  began to fade. "There are a lot of things I'd like to do for our 'slumber party' before I go to bed tonight."

    Zero heard Marx gasp before the door closed and shut out the noise. Then he fell asleep.

You guys, and those who follow me on Tumblr, said you wanted weekly updates on Saturdays, so here's the first!

Yay, a slumber party!Kirby Icons (Yay!) Too bad we don't get to see it, ah well. Marx doubts you  It's my head cannon that the Lor Starcutter has the essence of void(The final boss, not me) in it. Or, it could be Fecto's energy. But I'm sticking to the Void theory for now. Thanks for reading!

Kirby is a game franchise made by Hal Laboratories and Nintendo. This is solely a fanfiction by me.

© 2024 - 2025 VoidStarAbyss
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TNTDragon10's avatar

In your story’s canon, is Magolor still a bit of a trickster?