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Banuk huntress Aranai - Song of the Red Snow

So this is just a basic concept drawing of Aranai, the daughter of Aratak and Inutai.

She is the oldest child and also the only one of three that is still alive when Frozen Wilds takes place. During the Red Raids Aranai was taken to the sundom as a slave (she was still a child) like many people of her tribe. Aratak and Inutai tried to find her, but were not able too and Aranai was believed to be dead later on. 

However, she didn’t die even though she had to endure a lot of torturing. She was bought free by a Carja merchant some years later and was raised by him and his family. Aranai always thought of her parents and her Werak but she believed that they had died during the Red Raids and therefore never felt the urge to leave the sun kingdom.

Years later she is reunited with her father Aratak - who has travelled to Meridian to support Aloy in her battle against HADES - by accident, when he recognizes her by the scar in her face, which was caused by a watcher in her childhood days. Both are unbelievably happy to have found eachother, since they both believed the other to be dead.

However, Aranai grieves deeply about the fact, that at this time her mother, Inutai, and also her aunt, Ourea, had been dead already.

After the successful battle against HADES, she leaves with Aratak and returns with him to the Cut to help him and her tribe protecting her home.

So this is her background in short words :D I always planned on creating a reference sheet for her and well, here she is.

The Banuk Huntress by Berylunee Song's Edge by Berylunee My light by Berylunee Heading home by Berylunee Song of the Red Snow by Berylunee

Inutai © Me, Berylunee
Horizon Zero Dawn © Guerrilla Games
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4000x5268px 3.76 MB
© 2018 - 2024 Vogelfreyh
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Panartias's avatar
Tolle Geschichte und großartiges Design! Love