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34 Watchers11 Deviations

The hrc by vocaloidcat456, literature

A Russian surprise~~~~~~~~~~~ by vocaloidcat456, literature

A smexy tale of RinxKaito part one by vocaloidcat456, literature

A smexy tale of RinxKaito Intro by vocaloidcat456, literature

A smexy tale of rinxlen by vocaloidcat456, literature

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The Wallflower (France X Shy!Reader) by solarkittygirl, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 11 years
  • She / Her
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (84)
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Clapperboard: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez BlackBerry Badge
My Bio

This is my home page! You can check out my favorites and maybe your work is there... You will just have to look! I also roleplay things like vocaloids or hetalia up to PG-13. No lemons or that stuff. So, that's it for now guys. ^-^

:iconsarilain: made my AVATAR. She's really cool and makes awesome avatars so check her out!

Favourite Visual Artist
Potato ^^
Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Avatar the last air bender, Angel beats, Hetalia, and Vampire Knight
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Coldplay, Queen, Fun, vocaloids, and Christina Perri
Favourite Books
Harry Potter series, Artemis Fowl series, ORIGIONAL Alice in wonderland, The Phantom Toll booth, and ORIGIONAL Wizard of Oz
Favourite Writers
Jk rowling, Eoin Colfer, and Norton Juster
Favourite Games
WOW, Wizards 101, Pirates 101, The Game...
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Potato ^^
Other Interests
I collect plush items and play piano and Horseback riding. I also take Computer Information and Tecnology from Bristol Plymouth during the summer along with swimming.
Wow. I haven't been on in a while, so I knew there would be changes. BUT THIS?? It's so different!! It's cool and all, but just...wow...
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So, I was watching the Walking Dead Season 5 and(warning spoilers)....I warned youHOW COULD THEY FREAKING KILL BETH I&#039;M CRYING OMG WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEVERY TIME THERE IS A CHARACTER THAT IS SOMEWHAT TOGETHER THEY JUST GO AND KILL THEM WHO&#039;S NEXT CARL?? OH GOD I HOPE I DIDN&#039;T JINX IT~!!!!GAH AND BOB&#039;S LEG AND OMG WHAT i mean those bad cop guys dying i&#039;m fine and dawn too but BETH OMGOMGOMGOMG WHYYYYYY HOW IS DARYL GONNA RECOVER FROM THIS HOW IS MAGGIE GONNA RECOVER FROM THIS HOW IS ANYONE GONNA RECOVER FROM THIS There has to be a Walking Dead Support group somewhere on the internet. I hope I find it soon.
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As of May the twenty first, deviantART will be deleting ALL  dA accounts. Not the plz accounts though. But just all name-wasted accounts, or accounts that we think are fake, or that are useless. We are doing this to prevent something that could possibly may happen in the future. If we find this message on you&#039;re deviantID, journal, etc. We will know that you are not a fake. Thank you for listening,-deviantART staff 
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(Okay, so Wind Waker AU?)
Link sat at the top of the crow's nest, looking out at the vast world beyond. The ship had departed from Outset earlier that morning, and he hated to admit it, but he was already feeling homesick. At this point, he kind of just wanted to go home. But he couldn't; he had to save his sister and bring her home.
He laid back, deciding that he didn't really want to look at the sea anymore, and instead looked up at the stars. He noticed the north star and smiled, feeling a bit better because he at least knew what direction they were going in now- north-west.
Tetra knew loads of constellations and whatnot, so sometimes she'd imagine the constellations were all playing with each other. However, she noticed the ones towards the west were going out. After looking closer, she realized they were heading straight towards a storm. "Oh CRAP!" she shouted, frantically trying to turn the ship in the opposite direction. "I am not putting up with ANOTHER STORM!!" For some reason, the wheel wouldn't budge. "SOMEONE HELP ME STEER THIS!! ITS NOT MOVING!?!?!!!" she shouted, pushing the wheel with all her might.
Link sat up when he heard Tetra screaming. He quickly scaled down the ladder of the crow's nest and headed towards the wheel, desperately trying to help her spin it. He wasn't sure how bad being in a storm would be, but by Tetra's reaction, he was sure it wasn't good.