VS Cursor 12.0 Premiumvladsukhetskyi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vladsukhetskyi/art/VS-Cursor-12-0-Premium-937211931vladsukhetskyi

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VS Cursor 12.0 Premium

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I am extremely excited to share with you the new version of my cursor set. A lot of work has been done compared to the earlier version. I tried dozens of different combinations of shadows, sizes, shapes, gradients, and ways to improve the quality of the cursor. I hope you enjoy this set. Share your opinion in the comments, I will be glad to read and answer. Also report any bugs you notice. This is a premium cursor set with high DPI support.

Download VS Cursor 12.0 Premium🡽

Check out my other works🡽

You can also download standard and extended versions of this cursor set:


  • Added 32x32 cursors for 100% DPI.

  • Corrected "pointer.cur" position for 32x32 pixels version of cursor set.

[ cursor size: 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 96x96, 128x128 pixels ]

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why cant i download it?