Okay, so its been over ten years since I posted anything here. I've not had the best decade: couch-surfing; finally finding a place I could afford to rent; leaving a decade-long position partly because my boss and his wife were retiring; getting fired from one job; quitting another (weird story, that); losing my godmother, two friends, and my love to old age and/or cancer; being so overworked the past year I could've sworn I was losing my mind. I can be found on Fanfiction at https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1041178/Vixixi (the older story is not abandoned, just on hold), and can also be found on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/users/Vixixi/pseuds/Vixixi.
We'll see how long I manage to stick around this time. :p
Thanks for liking my pic please leave a comment in my pic below
Thanks for favoring my drawing of Dr. Octopus.
He's my favorite Spiderman villain. <3
Yeah, when I was a kid I enjoyed Doctor Octopus battling Spider-Man.
Thanks 4 the fav on my #zemaracomic figure! I update my comic every Sunday. You are welcome to 'watch' for updates. :)
Thanks 4 The Faves. 😎👍
Thank you for the favourite!😊