Twi portrait: december firstviwrastupr on DeviantArt

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viwrastupr's avatar

Twi portrait: december first



Still not happy with the textures here but I learned a lot and that's good.

This December I've decided to spend my days in study of artstuffs, so I'm going to be trying new things, studying intently but most importantly making a new art every day. The goal is one finished piece per day. Half more minimal for t shirts and other designs and the other half studying things with a focus on photoshop.

Yes, it is December 3rd. Patrons get things first:
Image size
1200x1150px 1.37 MB
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SolarSourced's avatar
learning is good!  I need to start playing with textures myself..
I believe the texture work on the mane and neck in particular is working well.
And those eyes....!