32 pony commission spectacular!viwrastupr on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/viwrastupr/art/32-pony-commission-spectacular-573948578viwrastupr

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viwrastupr's avatar

32 pony commission spectacular!



Everypony's sitting down to a good lunch with good friends.

After what feels like eons I have completed my largest single project to date. 32 characters (not quite all pony as there are griffons and a tatzl in there) in full paints. The original file size was so large I had to separate the images into six different pieces in order for my computer to not explode.

Notice a slow down in my production lately? This. This is why.

All the characters belong to various persons, but this piece wouldn't exist without :icondeathwing-nirvash: aka Der aka the tiny griffon hidden in somepony's hair. He is the generous client of this commish.

From left to right we have Hollownote, Nightshade, Gyro Tech, Eventide, August, Der (tiny griff), Evening Breeze, Inky, Candyfloss, Arta Factia, Tihan, Zuthal, Appledash, Dusk, Borealis, Stoic, Sparkler (a mini unicorn), Starburn (a mini pegasus), Chaotic Harmony, Chevron, Endra, Zero, Eraclea, Argyle, Chemical Spill, Alia, Rough Cut, Lemon Drop, Tenno, Sky, Scribbles von Belfry, and Losian.

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AussieGriffin's avatar
The use of the spacing, the colouration, the shading and shaddowing, the expressions and the coherence of the activities presented are flawless. This deserved a fave' for the idea alone.