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MS - Law




:star: L A W :star:


Name: Desmond Law (Goes by Law -- he doesn't tell anyone his first name)
Age: 19
Height: 5'9’’
Nationality: USA (Northern California)

Pure-Hearted || Pushover || Dorky || Protective || Hipster || Awkward || ADD

→Law hates confrontation and will do anything to ride out tense situations. He prefers things to stay quiet unless he has his earphones in. Too much noise or commotion makes him uneasy.

→He gets very protective over others, and not just those he cares about. He has a tendency to protect everyone, even those he dislikes.

→He has a poor memory, making things like planning and strategy huge weaknesses. He's also terrible with remembering faces and names, and overlooks details frequently.

→Giving second, third, and however many chances needed to those who let him down, Law is merciful and forgiving, almost to a fault. He has never held any grudges.

→In large social situations, he gets uncomfortable and begins to retreat into himself by putting his earphones on and remaining quiet.

→Is easily swayed by others' emotions. He's easily influenced and gullible, making him a huge pushover.

→Because he's so well-intentioned, he can be very charming unknowingly simply because he's so nice. He rarely intends to make passes at anyone but seems to have a few admirers. 

→He has ADD, but doesn't know it. He gets distracted extremely easily, and zones out frequently. He has late reaction times mentally, but has quick physical reflexes... so long as he doesn't have to run anywhere. His cardio is shit.

→Law has an obsession with bad jokes. He loves them, including puns. Often times he'll laugh at his own joke more than anyone else will.

Born and raised in Northern California, Law is more or less completely Americanized, though he's half-Persian. His father was American and lived with him in the states, but his Persian mother didn't have the papers required to stay with them, and got deported back to her home country of Iran when he was still very young.  When a legislative gridlock prevented his mother from coming to the states for years, his parents split, though the divorce was a product of other relationship circumstances as well. IE, his father had been having an affair with another woman in the states, and shortly after the divorce, Law had a new step-mother.

But Law and his father never really got along. They didn't share the same values and pretty much were not compatible as friends. Even when his step-mother made attempts to reach out to Law, even they couldn't become close. The way Law saw it, anyone who could marry someone with the same values (or lack-of values, in his opinion) as his father had to share them as well.

So, Law was pretty much on his own ever since the get-go. Growing up, he had a love for Legos and action figures, but hated puzzles and anything that required more than two seconds of thought. He had a bad memory and an incredibly short attention-span, which concerned his teachers. Although they brought up the issues to his father, the man was neglectful and didn't take them seriously, claiming that it was just his son's own lack of motivation and stupidity that made him like that. Having issues and not treating them made Law do badly in school, but he had no plans for his future and didn't know what he wanted to do. He was kind of bad in every school subject, so he just assumed he wouldn't ever amount to anything. He never got motivated enough to pick his grades up.

In school, he was an awkward boy who hardly paid attention in class and was always listening to music. He was someone who never knew any of the answers when he was called upon in class, and had that weird, dyed-red hair. People gossiped about him, teased, and bullied him all throughout his school career, calling him idiot and dumb and other things because he couldn't seem to keep up with other students. Even with all of this negativity, Law never succumbed to his insecurities and only had a desire to block the negativity out. One day, after finding a lucky $10 bill on the street, Law immediately entered his favorite thrift store he liked to browse in, and found these interesting star headphones! Purchasing it immediately for some reason, Law later found out that they were noise-canceling and allowed him to mute the sounds of ridicule people made his way. Needless to say, he grew extremely attached to the headphones and took them everywhere.

Regardless of the negatives of his social situation, Law still had friends and never truly let what others said get to his heart. He has always been a soft, pure-hearted individual who rarely thought badly of anyone, including those who made fun of him growing up. Although it took him an extra year to do it, he graduated from highschool successfully and earned his diploma, though he chose not to participate in the graduation ceremony. Once he graduated, he was a year behind an empty schedule and future. With nothing to aim for or look forward to in his life, he considered moving far away and living in the woods by himself…


Magical Name: :star: Super Soldier Vibrant Star :star:

Color: Amber

Quote: “Let’s see you fight the music! MUSICAL STELLAR POWER!”

Heart Gem: Law’s heart gem is the design on one of the earphones he used throughout his educational career. It allowed him to block out negativity, and hold his head high. He’s used them constantly ever since he first purchased them from the thrift store. Without the aid of the earphones, he would’ve been consumed by his demons with no escape from reality…

Angelus: [ Evelyn ] – [ Eastern Box Turtle --> Galapagos Tortoise --> Shelled Golem ] [ ♀ ]

Angelus Bio:

Evelyn was the respected, highly-revered Angelus of her village known for her impenetrable barriers and defensive abilities – as well as thick head. She had countless followers who acted as her assistants and helped her with her duties as a self-proclaimed “guardian of the people.” Though her ego was large, she was only famed in her small village. Regardless, she grew accustomed to the pampering and constant attention, but when dark forces began to threaten her home planet, her pride was at risk. Surely she could help protect the planet -- countless of fellow Angeluses were counting on her.

Although at first she insisted on staying on the planet to protect the land and Angeluses she loved, her ego had to be checked, for it became clear that there was little she could do to prevent the inevitable doom. Thus, for the first time, Evelyn head lowered from its usual high and mighty position, and retreated to an escape pod. Not in defeat – never in defeat. She wouldn’t ever let her pride falter after this.

After Evelyn’s pod reached Earth, she had been ever so slowly trucking around in her false form, trying to find someone who was worthy of her powers. But, damn… she was so slow. And everyone walked so fast! After what seemed like years and years of searching (but was probably only a couple months or so) Evelyn’s clunky, inefficient mission was almost thwarted when a small pet shop owner plucked her up off the street.


Law had just finished high school. With diploma in hand, Law wandered aimlessly around the crowded, downtown area of his hometown, headphones firmly in-ear, as they always were. Even with a paper in his hand certifying his (barely) passing of highschool, he still felt so lost and unsure of his future. But when he saw the shady-looking petshop behind dimly lit windows, he finally decided to take charge of something in his life. He wanted a pet. Sure, it was one of the dumbest decisions he could've ever made, but it was still a decision.

He looked around the pet shop for a few minutes before reaching the back of the store, where everything seemed to be damp and poorly kept. Tanks housed different animals with tiny pools of water in each; frogs, fish, turtles… There was one turtle that was unusually bright in color. When he leaned forward to stare into the case of this strange creature, it took only a few moments before a voice rang out, piercing the noise-canceled barrier of Law's earphones, “You’re the one!”

Evelyn had spent almost a year in the petshop before Law’s arrival. When she commanded him of his duty, he at first was distracted by other pets, which kind of put their relationship off to a bad start. He seemed uninterested in Evelyn's words, but when she began to speak about her past and how all she wanted to do was protect people, he started paying attention. It didn't take too long for him to awkwardly accept his duty, since he honestly didn't have an excuse to do otherwise. Part of it was also that Law was too much of a pushover to reject her. Plus, the fact that Evelyn’s voice made it through his headphones still astounded him... nothing had ever gotten past them before.


Evelyn's huge ego and Law's humility surprisingly fit together like puzzle pieces. Her brash, frequent orders were always followed since Law was attentive to her and made sure to take good care of his companion. They bond extremely well over the fact that all either of them wants to do is protect and help others.

They butt heads on specific values. Evelyn loves attention and wants to be in the limelight constantly, while Law couldn't care less.

Although Evelyn often makes remarks about how she can’t believe she’s stuck with Law, she does care about the boy, and Law would do anything to keep her safe. They almost have a mother-son relationship, but it is still growing.

Weapon: :star: Amber Bracers :star:

→Description: Law doesn’t have a separate weapon. He uses special armor crafted from unbreakable amber resin, most importantly, his amber bracers. Since he specializes in Defensive moves and abilities, Law utilizes his armor to protect himself, others, and also to fortify his natural strength and power in offensive maneuvers.

Magical Moves:

☆[Sound Barrier – DEF]

→ Law taps into the power of his bracers and can throw up an impenetrable magical wall in front of him. Aiming both hands in the same direction creates a medium-sized barrier, but he can divide his power between both of his bracers to create two smaller barriers if his arms are facing different directions. His heart gem always flashes brightly before he puts up a shield, signifying energy drain. Since Sound Barrier is unbreakable, it takes up a lot of energy to protect not a large amount of space. Sound Barrier’s wall appears as a hexagonal grid of amber resin, which you can see through but vision is colored and distorted.


:music: Character Themes:

 → Main Theme/Law's Theme

 → VIBRANT STAR! Musical Stellar Power! Theme

texture --…
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1920x1080px 2.8 MB
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Nimzag's avatar
OK i finally got around to this HAHA but jesus he's so adorable
the concept of the headphones is so cool!! and i really like Evelyn and i feel like Mala and her would get along nnG
angel is definitely going to admire him bc his positivity is on point and so is his personality help