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Vividlight's avatar

For all you Floyd fans the book Comfortably Numb - A History Of "The Wall" Pink Floyd 1978-1981 is the last word on everything about "The Wall" If you can pick it up. You won't be disappointed. Everyone involved is interviewed. Rick Hart my better half gets a lot of respect. And some of my pictures of behind the scene are used "credited to Rick" Because I submitted them through him. Just a fantastic piece of work. I thought I would be bored having heard and told the same stories over and over. But I was well entertained and it was fun to hear more about people involved in the other studios and such. It was a major part of my life and this book does a fine job of capturing the moment


Holding onto the past may result in dislocated joints. And in extreme cases the loss of limbs and even death. If you show any of these symptoms just let go
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davidsobe's avatar
I must admit being disappointed when The Wall came out.  I was sixteen, loved Pink Floyd and thought it was a bit too dark, too depressing, and much further into Roger Waters' head than I wanted to go.  I do get the alienation from the crowd of fans bit, though.  One particular memory from that time was a Supertramp concert. They were performing "Fool's Overture" and had a huge screen behind them.  At a certain point, a scene of Hitler haranguing a crowd, probably at Munich, was shown and the crowd started cheering.  I wondered what that British band must have thought of that mass of drunk and high and stupid fans.