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Not quite here yet
i'm having bandwidth issues. shoud be back to normal in about a week if i can stay off line for the most part(.
Vividlight will remain Vividlight
Climbing Back To Life.......
:thumb264369998::thumb264533106::thumb261347687::thumb194341446:I will be laid out for about six weeks starting in mid Jan. Will do some shots next week. But really need to the surgery now to be back on my feet by spring. nothing life threatening. But I really need the full function of my feet to do what I love most. Hike with my dogs and roam the gardens.
I've Lost It
Can't seem to find my spark. my muchness. Hope it returns soon. Maybe when I feel the first cool breeze of Fall. But that is so far away:shrug:
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I must admit being disappointed when The Wall came out. I was sixteen, loved Pink Floyd and thought it was a bit too dark, too depressing, and much further into Roger Waters' head than I wanted to go. I do get the alienation from the crowd of fans bit, though. One particular memory from that time was a Supertramp concert. They were performing "Fool's Overture" and had a huge screen behind them. At a certain point, a scene of Hitler haranguing a crowd, probably at Munich, was shown and the crowd started cheering. I wondered what that British band must have thought of that mass of drunk and high and stupid fans.