Red eyes black haired bishiesviviannefair on DeviantArt

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viviannefair's avatar

Red eyes black haired bishies



This is a comission for my dear friend I love her so much! :w00t: I really hope she likes!!
Sorry for the bg, eh....^^; Vincent and Naraku!! XD
SO?? Do i have any complaints here?? :paranoid:

Cloud: Uh....not here...^^;

Sephiroth: Not from me....:paranoid: But i wonder what is Vincent going to say when he see this....

He doesn't have to say anything!! He is one of my bishies!! He doesn't have the right to complain!! :rage:

Sephiroth: he comes....let's see what he's going to say....:|


Sephiroth: You know, bela...i'm kinda proud of don't care what people say, even Vincent...i'm so proud of you, you're getting so matur...bela? Bela?? :|

Cloud: She has gone, hasn't she? :D

Sephiroth: What a surprise...:paranoid:

Hehehehe...Vincent is from (C) Square Enix
Naraku (C) Rumiko Takahashi
art (C) me!! XD
Image size
676x945px 590.31 KB
© 2005 - 2025 viviannefair
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