Vivaliis on DeviantArt

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Vivaliis's avatar

Pon adopts #2 closed



the last batch of them

20€ each
buy two, pay 35€
buy three, pay 50€

20€ = 23$ = 2400pts
payments with money only via paypal

X X 3 4
 X X X
  8  9

1. wildly-unaware  (moved and redesigned, the old design here; when you buy, you can choose between those 2 designs)
2. Disastercorn 
3. Xana-Akai purrsain
4. LovellaTorendo
5. Fade--Touched
6. Fade--Touched
7. samuRAI-same
8. kinjikingling
9. Xana-Akai purrsain

 - Credit me in first use and on ref sheet.
 - You may resell, but no more than what you've paid for them unless extra arts.
 - Comment to claim.
 - First come, first serve.
 - Don't pay before I tell you so.
 - Pay within 24 hours.
 - Don't hide comments!

 - You can change design as you wish.
 - You can change gender and species.
 - Don't claim as your design.

Arts and designs (c) Vivaliis
Image size
2605x2034px 2.44 MB
© 2018 - 2024 Vivaliis
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kinjikingling's avatar
I'd love to buy 8 if I could please!