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Ghost Adventures Video Game



What if there was a Ghost Adventures video game? I took the liberty of designing a cover :)

I always imagined the game starting out in a hotel room, and you can either eat breakfast or pack some food for your trip. You leave the hotel and get the other guys so you get into the GAC van. Then a screen pops up and depending on what game mode you choose, you select a place to go and head out (or if you choose Story Mode, you start out at Bobby Mackey's and go through the list of places they've been, in order, since season one). You get to the place and it's still daytime, so you go around the area looking for random things and possible places to put your X-cams. There are items laying around that you can pick up and use, such as crosses, holy water, bibles, random photos, etc.

When night time comes, you place your X-cams and start your investigation! Here, you can switch between characters and do things like record EVPs, apparitions, and orbs. Oh, and if you're in a really active place, like Poveglia, you can get possessed, just like Zak did and the other two players will have to help you.

At the end of the lockdown, you can either review your evidence and get some rest or vice versa. You get more evidence if you rest first, because then you'll be more alert and notice more stuff of camera.

How do you guys think a Ghost Adventures game will go?

EDIT: I've been thinking about this for a few hours and decided to petition for it. Join me if you want someone to notice. If I get enough signatures, I'll take the liberty of presenting this to the Travel Channel and maybe a few game developers. I can't make any promises, but it's worth a shot.

We want a Ghost Adventures game!!!
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artisticcatlover's avatar
How about five nights at Aarons? I made that up!