I will love you even as a Foe by SPIDIvonMARDER, literature
I will love you even as a Foe
(based on "Ambience" by 4everfreebrony, dedicated to Vitaj)
I’m leaded by your wise light
No one sees me in rising up noble solar shade
You don’t believe in always stalking me deadly wraiths
Still say, that’s just susceptible filly’s play
Oooch, nooo…
The nightmares replace the hope
I see in them our ways to go
They warn me before my fall
Please guide me safe to the dawn…
The world is soulless carte blanche
I still cannot learn all these strange distracting spheres
Always doing my best, how I can challenge this quest
To obtain an own tranquil place
Oooch, nooo…
Nightmares return for more
I close my eyes completely alone
I’ll be never ready to glow
If at final redeem me none
I cannot drift away in my sleep
I cannot heal myself during weep
I cannot stand my unique gift
I cannot feel anyone’s kiss
I cannot find a small clue in this
I cannot kill growing demon in me
I cannot…
Oooch, nooo…
Incoming the dark end of it all
The fate now is starting to
Howdy there, friend! We're here today to wish you a happy birthday! I'm so excited to do this! Rarity told me how fun it can be! Dash said how important it is for us to greet our friends in the other world! It's an honour! Focus, girls, remember how we practiced it... inhale We wish you all the best on this occasion! May you have lots of happy times and good things come your way! And we wish you'll be able to do your best for yourself too! And, and... And stay in good health and high spirits all the time! And believe in yourself and who you are! An' also we wish you great friendship and to have your nearest an' dearest with you to share in the good and deal with anything bad together! So on behalf of all Equestria we wish you... Happy Birthday! We did it, girls. Now let's all celebrate! Cue the music, Scoots!