Helpful Tips!

2 min read

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:thumb438441556: Some Helpful Tips! :thumb438441556:

Welcome members, both old and new!
Just thought I'd pop in and give some helpful tips for the group!

♣ Submissions ♣

For those submitting to the group: Try to be as precise as you can on where you are submitting! It helps us admins out a lot so we don't have to go through every deviation in existence to put them in the correct categories. (And we all know that could take forever!) Don't know where to submit? Ask us! Don't be shy, we don't bite! And if there isn't a category for it, let us know! We'll make a new one ASAP!

♦ Questions ♦

For those who want to post questions in the comments section of the "Home" tab: Again, be as concise as you possibly can! Be sure to tell us which program you are using, the exact problem, and details on what you did to solve this problem so we can accurately help you out to the best of our abilities!

♠  RealTime ♠

For those seeking immediate help: Can't wait? Send a message through the Discord link on the "Home" tab! There will always be someone available to respond right then and there!

♥ Got Links? ♥

Send them to us! If you are a developer like the rest of us and want to help, send us a link to your stuff! The group is always looking to add more links to each category so as to not limit the sources! And they can be any type of sources - sounds, textures, backgrounds, even visual novels! Help us grow!

That's all for today! Happy game-deving!

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to shoot us a private message or down below in the comments! We look forward to hearing from all of you!

:iconvixeria: :icon8oni: :iconafiniwind:
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