'God Save The Gulf' T-shirtVisionHaus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/visionhaus/art/God-Save-The-Gulf-T-shirt-167769078VisionHaus

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June 18, 2010
"God Save The Gulf" T-shirt by *VisionHaus
Featured by PurpelBlur
VisionHaus's avatar

'God Save The Gulf' T-shirt



Buy your SUPER COOL shirt here :: [link]

Millions of gallons of oil have oozed into the water since the April 20th rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. Some estimates calculate the oil flow to be over 70,000 barrels of oil a day—making the BP spill already eight times larger than Exxon Valdez!

And we still don't know when it will stop.

So, Vision Haus :: Photography + Design, is now selling our "God Save The Gulf" T-shirts.

100% of all proceeds (after costs) will be donated directly to the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) to aid in the cleanup and restoration of the entire Gulf Coast.

To order your shirts click below ::

CLICK THIS >>>>>>>>> [link]

digg it >>>>>>>>>>>> [link]

Edit 1 :: :la:OMG our first DD:la: thank you so much to :iconpurpelblur: for your help in spreading the word!!!!!!

Edit 2 :: We are in the news! Two of our local news stations interviewed us about this T-shirt last week!! We are continuing to raise as much money as possible:dance:. Thanks for all of the DA support!

Edit 3 :: Here is the YouTube video >> [link]
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882x2020px 1.3 MB
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