VisionaryFire's avatar


Lazy artist
34 Watchers0 Deviations
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: MA
Favourite genre of music: A mix of everything
Favourite style of art: Varies

Favourite Movies
Kurosawa's Dreams
Favourite Games
Tactical RPG's
Favourite Gaming Platform
playstation 2, and my DS
Tools of the Trade
Whatever I can get my hands on
Other Interests
Music, Art
WOW I had no idea I had been around that long.  All I can say is thanks to those who watch me, and thanks to my friends who still keep in touch with me.Thank you to all those who have commented on my work, and have faved it, and thanks for offering your advice on things.I'll try to update more I promise.  ^ ^'  I might start up my own web comic based off of conversations I have with friends etc.  But that is a maybe in the works type of dealy.  Right now I'm dealing with my puter needing to be sent in a repaired since it crashed two times within three days.  I be pampering it at the moment so it doesn't explode when I least want it to.I've...
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0 min read
Well, my bf Duncan bought a tablet for me.  That being said expect more art stuffs since I can bypass the scan in thing...which is really what is holding me back in the first place since I'm lazy.
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0 min read
Oh NOes the tagging begins! AGAIN! XDkimia-dono tagged me...darn...ah well1. Post these rules. 2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about their self on their journal. 3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people and post their icons on the same journal. 4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them. 5. No tag-backs.1. I like facebook, it's my main time waster these days2. I need to draw more....especially dragons..since that's where my talent seems to want to escape to3.  I love video games, I need more of them for the ds/ps24. La, lalalalalala la katamari damacy  (yes, I have an addiction to it, it's amazing)5. ...
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Profile Comments 241

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Thanks for the fav <3
Oh herro. Fanks you for watching my new account! :) :heart:
i creep in your general direction
I taggged yoooouuu. Heh...heh heh.

thanks for the fav darlin'. Haven't heard from you in a while. ^^
::glomps:: BAILEY!!