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CoX-ChibiMe vs TypoFaery - pen



Chibi Me (lvl31(+) Invuln/SS Tank, Freedom) versus Typo Faery (lvl24(+) Mind/Psy Dom, Justice). ~Shadow3397 once gave me this idea and it's been gnawing my imagination ever since. So I just HAD to draw it to get it out of my system x.x

Many errors, but I like the perspective ^^""
Small note to their attacks: Typo Faery is trying to confuse Chibi while Chibi Hurls a boulder at Typo (officially she doesn't have that attack yet, but she will... besides, the rock throwing works better in this concept than other Super Strength attacks ^^;)

City of Heroes/Villains is (c) by NCSoft&Cryptic
Chibi Me & Typo Faery is (c) by *virago-mhd

P.S. damncharacter limit for the title ><
Image size
800x660px 86.57 KB
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