Ladder to the Starsviolet-rainstorm on DeviantArt

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Ladder to the Stars



^^; sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I hope you like this though to make up for it! :D

^^ I am incredibly proud of this . It took about 3 hours to finish but I'm sooo glad. It was worth it. It's so pretty.

Wisp and Nuff wanted to meet the stars up close so they built a ladder that reached all the way up into space. c:

I actually have my neighbor to thank for this idea. She's this friend of my sister that lives across the street. They had to write a story for their class and Her story was so sweet and magical and it inspired me to do this. :D

Made with Prismacolor Markers, Micron Pens, white gel pen, and some other white marker.

Wisp & Nuff (c) violet-rainstorm (me)
Original idea (where I got the idea from) (c) Kalynn M.
Image size
622x1638px 1.82 MB
© 2008 - 2024 violet-rainstorm
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ByCookies's avatar
that's so adorable. i love it! :D