Vincent-Covielloart on DeviantArt

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Vincent-Covielloart's avatar




Haven't painted a pterosaur in some time so i broke the drought with this toothy terror. I really like envisioning these guys with all kinds of wattles and frills. Probably not likely but then again there are some bizarre displays in our animal kingdom currently 
*DISCLAIMER: I am NOT nor am I trying to be a paleoartist. Regardless of what scientific evidence there is or isnt, these are purely speculator/fantastical interpretations. Wattles, crests, frills, scales or feathers are simply exploratory and in the vain of 19th century depictions of dinosaurs.  
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750x600px 151.99 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Vincent-Covielloart
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thegriffin88's avatar

I just love all of these, what I call, 'beta' trials of evolution. I mean, either of the things the Tapejara crest are hilarious. It's also my go-to for creature design ideas. I'm basing the Grootslangs in my comic off the Platybelodon. So I love getting creative with putting tissue on fossils. At the end of the day, even the people with PHDs are really just guessing. It could have had polkadots! Who knows!