Pumpkin Patch Maximus ( Halloween Dragon)Vincent-Covielloart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/vincent-covielloart/art/Pumpkin-Patch-Maximus-Halloween-Dragon-924968134Vincent-Covielloart

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Pumpkin Patch Maximus ( Halloween Dragon)



The Pumpkin Patch Maximus is the largest of the Pumpkin Patch Drakes. Males reach up to 7ft in length due to their impressive tail appendages. In a case of convergent evolution the Pumpkin Patch Maximus evolved a similar strategy to attract females to some birds. The male will fan his tail creating quite the display of multiple faced “plumes”. As if this wasn’t impressive enough they are also bioluminescent and can flash a bright warm light. 

The Pumpkin Patch Maximus is capable of flight but only for short distances. While females do not carry the same large tails they too are more ground dwelling, only roosting in the trees at night. Females will also nest on the ground in make shift nests made of forest debris 

This post may be a little early for most but August marks the spooky season for me. Bring on the skeletons, witches, jack-o-lanterns and Pumpkin Patch Drakes!

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A dragon peafowl? Nice.