ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
I now FINALLY have a Tumblr!
So I've been very long overdue on putting up a Tumblr page... Not to mention a facebook page for my costumes. Well mark that problem as fixed! I'm still getting familiar with Tumblr (I sound like an old fart catching up with the times), but it's not terribly difficult to jump right in.Please check out and follow me on Tumblr--
And also be sure to like my Costume page on Facebook!--
Etsy Shop Now Open!!!
I am very pleased to announce the opening of my Etsy online shop! Please take a browse around and grab something that catches your eye... even if it's the whole stock! :-D-- --
The Turn
CIRCUMACTUMQUEAlas, my life hath turned. Nothing for the worse, but for the light of a brighter day. A future that turns my eyes away not for uncertainty, but for the power of its great wonder.I left the artist collective I had been living with for the past 3 years. Not going into details, they're really just not good people. Enough said. I made my leave with all of my belongings both physical and intellectual and didn't bother turning back. I'm in a grand place now. As I write this, I sit in my new apartment that I'm happily rooming with my beautiful, funny, smart, talented, (I could go on forever!), girlfriend. I have a GOOD paying job a...
TRANSITUSAs promised, here's a much needed update to the world of Deviants and Arts... Deviantart...In an environment as fast paced as what I live in, there's little time to stop and take a breath. Every moment is valuable and must be utilized to keep pushing forward and onward to reaching that horizon, and beyond. Ever withering is the free time we all have in this crew, but no one complains because it's replaced by incredible memories and something that not many have- a life of adventure. True adventure that brings us to many crossroads and turning points, key moments and events, tragedies and triumphs- all of which we share together, al...
© 2012 - 2025 Vile-Victorian
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