Vikkerz on DeviantArt

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IZ group mascot thing :D



Uuhhhhh this is the mascot I got design for the IZ group Loretecks, BearsAndBaubles, and myself have started! It’s The-IZ-Rebellion !

His name is Nermal >: ) He was an Invader, but ended up ditching his job after he was found out by the species on the planet he was set to do research on and eventually destroy. The species had shown him extreme kindness even after realizing what he was there for. After being treated so kindly he figured it wasn’t right for him to attempt to destroy someone else’s way of life, even though he was instructed to do so by his leaders. So now he’s part of a rebellion to hopefully convince other Irkens to do the same, or he has no problem stopping them from what they’re doing one at a time, with the help of his team.
At this point it’s also part of his character that he collects neat space rocks and stickers- He constantly looks angry and mostly intimidating but he’s a big sweetheart.

Psssast you should join the group tho if you make IZ art 👀
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1620x2160px 612.53 KB
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