Favourite genre of music: Melodic Death Metal, Folk Metal, 70s 80s 90s rock n' roll
Favourite photographer: My Girlfriend MissLoony missloony.deviantart.com/
Favourite style of art: Tradicional Always!
Personal Quotes: "A true warrior always knows when not to use the sword" , "Do not follow the king you have never saw, like a blind sheep" , "Life is a constant challenge, be brave!" , "A true chieftain knows which battle not to fight"
Took a trip to your videos after finding you here on DA. Thanks for providing such a scholarly and well researched explanation of Norse symbols.
I really appreciated this space, where heaps of surprising ideas circulate, a real jam of genres and styles, each as rich as the other. Unbridled imagination, surrealism, excellent director, I love it!
I've watched several of your YouTube creations.
Fascinating & enlightening.
I've been absent from DA for some time, but I'll renew & Watch your work here!
Tuck (PrevalentPain)
I just want to thank you for your videos on Nordic mysticism and magic. To make a long story short, after walking away from Catholicism, I have been seeking a new spiritual path. Even if I don't declare myself a Heathen, I am still beginning to base my personal craft and walk in the Nordic tradition, looking to Odin and Freya as models as a magician. Thank you for helping me learn about the Nordic tradition.