Hi everyone, I have some news for you. First of all, some people asked me for it. So, now you have the Real Bits available here as prints, canvas and others: http://www.imagekind.com/artists/victorsauron/realbits
I hope you like it.
And second, I have for you two new episodes of the Stormtrooper's Life. This time, I think you could need those English subs.
See ya!
Hola a todos, tengo algunas noticias para vosotros. Primero, varios me pidieron si podía ser, así que ahora tenéis los Real Bits disponibles para impresión, lienzos, etc. aquí: http://www.imagekind.com/artists/victorsauron/realbits
Espero que os gusten.
Y segundo, como podéis